Business & Health: Sam’s Pro Tips

Think you can crush it in business while treating your body like an afterthought?

Spoiler Alert: You can’t.

We’ve got three game-changing wellness hacks that’ll get you back on track:

  1. Track Your Stats Like a Pro
    I’ve been wearing a Whoop since 2019… Col finally caved in 2020 and got one and he’s obsessed. Needless to say (saying it anyway) it’s a flippin’ game-changer. It helps me optimize sleep, manage my exercise routine, track my heart health, analyze my stress levels and capacity for high-physical or high-mental output – it even preps me for hormonal shifts throughout the month (for the ladies in the room, this is a life-saver). If you’re not tracking your data, you’re flying blind. This one tool has had a profound impact on my health, mindset, and overall business performance. (Here’s my code, squad)

  2. Hydration = Fuel
    Simple, but most people mess this up: 1 oz of water per pound of body weight. Yeah, it sounds like a lot, but it’s actually easy when you break it down. Start with a liter as soon as you wake up, and then drink a glass or two every hour. Pro tip: spice it up with LMNT to get those electrolytes pumping. You’ll feel the difference immediately.

  3. Mobility Over Yoga
    Look, I love a good stretch, but I’m not spending 60 minutes rubbing crystals and chanting. Instead, I prioritize mobility. It includes dynamic stretching, joint health, breathing, and strength, all in one go. It’s efficient, and if you’re like me and would rather listen to Black Flag than chime a bell in down-dog, this is for you. I’m busy (and also kind of a cynic), so I’m all about saving time and getting real results.

Being a business owner doesn’t mean burning out. Prioritize your health, and the rest follows. You’ll be more productive, more creative, and way more fun to be around.



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