Juice is bullsh*t.

Unless you’re pressing it yourself, the juice is not worth the squeeze. Here’s why:

The benefits of a cold pressed juice lie in its phytonutrient, vitamin, and mineral content… but here’s a fun fact: the phytonutrients die within about 20min of that juice being pressed… And if the juice has been heated up in your juicer, it’s basically rancid by the time it hits your lips. And not the good kind of Rancid that slays punk bass lines and writes songs about the East Bay that SLAP. Yeah, Ruby Soho. …And Out Come The Wolves. No, I’m talking rancid, like, dead, foul, gross, rotten.

SO, if you’re buying pre-bottled juice, or (yeah, I’m about to get judgmental) you’re still buying shit OJ in treated cardboard cartons from the grocery store……….


It’s just sugar. In fact, it’s got nearly the same amount of sugar as a soda, at that point. You might as well just crack a Coke and fill that cute little belly up with Oreos because that’s the amount of sugar that you’re filling your gut up with when you drink juice.

Yes. That $16 Pressed, Naked, Kreation whatever Goddess Charcoal Lemonade that you’re chugging. It’s crap. Put it down and put your money into something that’s going to move the needle for your health.

So, what’s the deal with juice. Rules for the road if you’re going to continue throwing your money away on Juice.

  1. Coldies Only. You want a cold-pressed juice, always. There are some juicers that heat up the pulp and liquid (fruit + veggies are roughly 30-40% pulp and 60-70% liquid), and that kills all of the wonderful, yummy phytonutrients, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals that are the reason that juice is beneficial.

  2. Drink it immediately. The health benefits are truly only there for about 20 minutes. Some will say that a cold-pressed juice can stay fresh for 2 days. I don’t believe it.

  3. Show us your “O” Face. Meaning, if you’re juicing at home, or purchasing out of home, go organic. If you’re going to go non-organic, wash your veggies + fruit with a veggie/fruit-safe wash to get all of the gnarly pesticides off your food so you don’t ingest it.

  4. Go green. Sure, your beet, apple, ginger, lemon juice is great, but if you’re doing this juicy dance for your health, you want to go with greens. Juice is used primarily to supplement having to eat pounds and pounds of vegetables, so you want to drink the veggies that you don’t necessarily like to eat, but you know you should.

  5. HPP. If you can find juice that has been pressed with HPP (high pressure processing), then you’re kind of good to go. HPP uses cold water and high pressure to liquify your veggies. The high pressure neutralizes bad stuff (pesticides, etc) that may or may not be living on your kale leaves.

We’re not going to leave you without alternatives! Here are a couple of our favorite ways to get your veggies that don’t involve juice:

Athletic Greens The travel packs are crucial if you hit the road consistently!

Supplements + Items We Take Poke around in here for a bit. The Chlorella tablets are key for your daily dose of greens!


Don’t go to the Maldives.


F@#k a Diet