Dinner Recipe: Shrimp Fried Rice

Aside from cooking your rice, this should take about 15min to prep, 25min to cook, and 2 min to eat because it’s so damn good!

Grocery List

  • 1 yellow or sweet onion

  • 1 clove of garlic

  • Eggs

  • Green Kale

  • Broccoli, Brussels + Cabbage Slaw (we get the bagged one, but you can chop up your own too)

  • Carrots (we like the heirloom carrots because it adds color to the dish, but the orange ones taste the same and are just as good)

  • Bragg’s Coconut Aminos

  • Olive Oil

  • REAL Himalayan Sea Salt

  • Black Pepper

  • Chili Flakes

  • Shrimp: You can get frozen or fresh; we use Wild-Caught Frozen, de-veined + de-shelled

  • Your Side Veggie or Salad

How To

  • Chop/ slice your onions - totally up to you! We like them sliced fat + long. When they’re chopped, throw them in you pan or wok with some olive oil on low

  • Mince your garlic and throw it in the pan with the olive oil on low

  • If you want to eat faster, and you want your onion to have a spicier bite, let them cook on the pan and swirl them around with a silicon spatula for about 5 min. If you like your onions sweet, cook them in your pan/Wok for 30-40min on low until they’re caramelized

  • Crack 3-4 eggs in a bowl and whip them up with a dash of salt + pepper; toss into your pan and let them cook into the onions + garlic on low

  • Add your Shrimp; if they’re frozen, you’ll need to run them under warm water to thaw them out before you put them in the pan

  • Add your cooked Rice

  • Add your coconut Aminos: coconut aminos have a sweeter taste than soy sauce, so start with adding a teaspoon then add to taste

  • Add you cabbage mix + kale at the end - max 30 seconds to warm it up and get some of the flavors on the veggies

Boom. You’re done. Plate + Serve.

I add more kale or mixed greens on my plate. Colin adds more rice.


Cheat Sheet: Why homemade nut milk is, like, way better for you.


Cheat Sheet: These 4 oils are the only oils you should eat. Ever.