Cheat Sheet: These 4 oils are the only oils you should eat. Ever.

SIMPLICITY is the name of this game! Health is already confusing enough, so why add to the confusion, right?

When you’re looking at the ingredients labels for whether or not a certain product is going to contribute to your health, or be detrimental to your health, there is a very, very, long list of oils that you should absolutely never ever consume. We’re only talking about the good ones. Here they are:

  • Olive Oil

  • Coconut Oil

  • Avocado Oil: Chosen Foods

  • Free-Range, Grass-Fed Butter or Ghee

If the ingredients lists something different, or the recipe calls for anything other that the goodies above, don’t use it. In a recipe, swap it out for one of the good ones.

And, for the record, if you’re going out to eat or going to a friends house for dinner, for the love of God, ENJOY YOURSELF. When you’re at home or you’re doing the cooking + hosting for friends, give yourself and give them the good stuff.

Pro Tip: Nut Butter

We’re highlighting nut butter because they’re particularly high in fat, so you definitely want them to be working for your body, not against your body. Especially if you’re trying to lose/gain weight or hit some type of physical goal.

If you’ve got nut butter in the pantry that lists Palm, Canola, Sunflower, Safflower, peanut, vegetable, anything hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated, or anything other than olive, coconut, butter, or avocado, throw it away.

Extra Pro Tip: Serving Sizes

If you’ve got a shredding goal or a weight goal, we recommend measuring out your oil portions. 1-2TBSP for each meal, or a thumb sized portion of fat, is where you want to be.


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