Hacking your AM routine.

Make it quick + painless, please.

Nobody has time for an AM routine that takes 4 hours to complete. This should take 10-15min while you’re waking up, writing your morning pages, reading The Daily Stoic, stretching, and getting ready for the day, i.e. while you’re doing other stuff.

The more you overthink your life, the more stressed out you will be. Simply make this a part of your morning. Be like Nike. Just do it.


Step 1: drink water w/ electrolytes - read this blog for more detailed info on that. If you want to do a green juice (self pressed, drink within 10min of pressing) go for it. Don’t drink storebought juice. Read this blog for the reasons why.

Step 2: take your vitamins, minerals, herbs, and your probiotic. I’m not certified to tell you what to take. I’m not a doctor, a naturopath, or an endocrinologist, and I’m not supposed to look at your bloodwork & bio markers and tell you what it all means even though I know A LOT. Depending on what your blood results and hormones are telling you, you’ll want to switch supplements a couple of times per year. But, some generalities & what Colin + I take are:

  • Laird Superfoods Daily Greens in place of a multivitamin & has all the greens you need for the morning

  • DHA Nordic Naturals has a high absorption rate. Women, in particular, should be taking a DHA supplement. Don’t cheap out on this either 😘 DHA is wonderful for rebuilding the hippocampus, and enhances stem cell production. It also lowers your risk for dementia and Alzheimer’s.

  • Probiotic Work with your doctor or naturopath to figure out which one you need. If you have one you like, awesome! We take Healthy Trinity.

  • Black Seed Oil is a natural anti-viral. So is garlic.

  • Chlorophyll or Chlorella Tablets are wonderful for an extra hit of greens in the morning. You can never have too many greens.

Step 3: Grab a handful of raw, unroasted, unsalted nuts. Mix up your nuts. Get a little trail mix going. Walnuts, cashews, pecans, pistachios, almonds, and macadamia nuts are all great for you, and each one has their own benefits, vitamins, and minerals.

A good gauge for portioning is a serving of fat the size of your thumb or about 2TBSP. That’s a handful or two of pistachios, almonds, or cashews. 9-10 whole walnuts. 2-3 Brazil nuts. 6-7 macadamia nuts.

Step 4: Eat your nuts with dark berries. The darker the berry, the better. Go for blackberries and blueberries.They’re packed with antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin K, manganese, fiber, Vitamin A, pterostilbene, resveratrol, and a grip of other compounds that fight free radicals. They’re incredible for heart health, gut health, joint health, skin, hair, and nails.

Step 5: Live your life. A morning routine shouldn’t add more “things to do” to your list. This is something super easy that you can do while you’re getting ready, lacing up your shoes for a run, listening to that podcast you love in the morning, getting dressed, or running out the door.

Pro Tip: For a super health gut microbiome, try to eat 30 different things that come out of the ground. For example: overnight oats made with macadamia nut milk topped with mango, strawberries, pumpkin seeds,

Hemp seeds, chia seeds, blueberries, pistachios, a tbsp of peanut butter… that’s 10 things right there.

For more about your daily 30, Gabby Reece hosted a wonderful podcast with gastroenterologist, Dr. Robynne Chutkan, Yale University, Columbia &  Georgetown University Hospital. Check it out.

Extra Time-Saving Tip: Keep a room temp, mason jar full of water, lime or lemon, and electolytes, as well as a pill box full of your daily regimen next to the bed. That way you can take your vitamins + drink your water while you’re peeling your eyeballs open. Here is one of the Pill Organizers that we use + travel with.


Cheat Sheet: These 4 oils are the only oils you should eat. Ever.


Salad Recipe No.3: Bowl Cut