This 1 tiny change has massive benefits.

Drink enough water.

Optimal hydration for males + females is 1 oz. of water per pound of body weight.

So, 120lbs = 120oz of high quality H2O.

Why? Depends on your goals.

  • For peak performance in business, you want to be at the highest level of cognitive functioning possible. When you’re dehydrated you can’t perform.

  • For peak performance in fitness, hydration is crucial before and after a workout. Before, so your muscles can work as effectively and efficiently as possible. After, so your muscles can recovery as effectively and efficiently as possible.

  • For general health + weight loss, when you’re hydrated, your cells can work at their absolute most efficient and effective too. For example, a healthy cell is smooth and round, and its cell walls are strong - hard for disease to penetrate. A diseased dehydrated cell is wrinkled like a raisin, with cracks and crevices in its cell walls, making it easy for disease to penetrate. When your body is in deficit, meaning it needs nutrients or hydration, nothing functions properly. It sets off a domino effect within your body to acclimate and be resilient to its internal and external environment.

Make sense?

Tips for Hydration (no, sparkling water does not count as hydration. It’s actually terrible for you, and stop drinking it).

01 / 1 ounce for every pound of body weight every day. I suck at math, so this is how I remember the amount, give or take a few ounces.

02 / Drink electrolytes. You can add lime or lemon and a bit of REAL Pink Himalayan Sea Salt or Celtic Salt to your water (just make sure it’s mineral salt, not iodized white salt). We also love LMNT Electrolytes. When we’re desperate (or hungover), we’ll go for a Liquid IV, but the sugar content in Liquid IV is really high, so we try not to drink that too often.

03 / Drink 10-20oz of water per hour. The body can only absorb so much water at a time, and, yes, you do run the risk of over hydrating and depleting your system of nutrition. Don’t guzzle a bunch of water in one sitting - sip it throughout the day. Yes, you will have to pee more often. Optimal water intake is 1-2 glasses per hour.

04 / Drink out of glass or ceramic. Metal water bottles tend to have compounds that bind to your insides and cause problems. For instance, in my case, I was drinking out of a metal bottle and the iron in my bloodwork was through the roof, causing chronic fatigue, digestion issues, headache, joint pain, nerve pain… See below for my favorite jars + jugs to drink from.

05 / Drink H2O with naturally occurring minerals. A water that is good for you has its mineral content listed on the bottle, similar to an ingredients list. When in doubt, grab natural spring water: Mountain Valley Spring Water, Fiji, and Evian are all safe bets. Water can be, essentially, dead, if not filtered or bottled properly. Steer clear of pH water (causes UTIs and changes the pH in your stomach, gut, and baby-maker), don’t grab distilled water unless you’re using it to drain your sinuses, and if it doesn’t have the mineral content listed, don’t pay for it.

Questions? Leave comments below!



Salad Recipe No.3: Bowl Cut


Salad Recipe No.2: Herb, Not For Smoking.