What To Eat: Triathlon Meals

Training for a tri? Here’s your cheat sheet:

The question I get asked the most while I’m training for a Triathlon is, “What the heck do you eat?”

For starters, I eat a TON of food. I never count calories. I don’t track macros or micros. Why? Because Sam and I eat 90% Whole Foods. What’s a whole food? It’s REAL, unprocessed food that looks as close to its original form as possible. Veggies, fruit, meat, eggs… real, whole, unprocessed foods. When you are eating a diet entirely consisting of whole unprocessed foods, it’s really difficult to overeat.

When I’m in full swing of training for a long distance race, I’m burning on average between 4,000 & 8,000 calories a day, and it’s super important to replenish those calories.

I basically eat everything that Sam eats, but double. I add in more protein, carbohydrates, and some extra fruit and vegetables. Every meal is a balanced plate, consisting of a variety of vegetables, legumes, nuts & fruit along with a good sized portion of lean protein (typically chicken) and a full baked potato, sweet potato, or a cup or 2 of rice.


I only eat 1 specific brand of protein bar (GoMacro) while I’m running or cycling because it’s a balanced meal replacement and they use great ingredients (for the most part). This bar is easy on my GI system, so I stick with it. If you find something that doesn’t upset. your stomach while you’re moving, stick with that.

While I’m actively running or cycling, I try to consume about 250 to 350 calories per hour.

I consume 1 electrolyte drink (LMNT) that contains 1000mg of Sodium plus magnesium & potassium (mixed into 24oz of water) plus an additional 24-36 oz of water, per hour.


I always replenish after a workout with protein and carbs to speed up my recovery overnight. I usually do 4-5 chicken thighs or a big piece of fish, 1-2 cups of rice or pasta or a potato, and a handful of greens. Once or twice per week I will do a large steak after a training session. When I crave it, I get it.

Putting fluids back in after a workout is crucial too. I’ll try to drink another liter or two of water post-workout.

REM and SWS Sleep is a major part of recovery too, so I’ll drink a Beam before bed to optimize my sleep. Use my Code COLIN15 for 15% off


My breakfast is usually 4-5 eggs, potatoes, and some kind of veggie or breakfast salad with kale, mixed greens, berries and nuts. It mimics exactly what my dinner and lunch meals look like, sub chicken/steak/fish for eggs.

99% of my meals look like this.

When 99% of my meals look like this, it’s totally fine to have an added treat here and there.


I do not do cheat DAYS. I do not intermittent fast. I eat as much and as frequently as I like, because again, when you’re predominantly eating whole unprocessed foods, it is very difficult to over eat.

Since my training will vary pretty drastically day to day I add meals based on my training volume per day. On a rest day, I still eat clean but since I’m burning fewer calories, I will consume fewer calories. It’s all proportionate.


Anything with dairy in it (made with milk), anything with processed sugar, anything with processed flour, any processed meats, anything with seed oils (the only oils I will eat are olive, coconut, avocado - we have a blog about that, check it out) any foods that have an ingredient label with any chemicals as ingredients (if you can’t pronounce it, definitely do not eat it), it’s not a food, but alcohol is definitely on this list as well.

If you have any specific questions, always feel free to ask me directly through our IG @samandcolin


Haul: Costco


The Marriott Wailea