Our 4-1-1 on all-things-wellness, fitness, nutrition, and recovery.

RECIPES | Our favorite recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and smoothies. We'll cover meal prep here too!

FITNESS | How to train, setting goals + creating systems, the basics, building strength, increasing endurance, and reviews of the best gear for your style of workout.
NUTRITION TIPS | What to eat, when to eat, why to eat, how to eat.
Training for a Triathlon? Here is Colin’s Tri-Training Meal Cheat Sheet.
Simplifying Things: FAT. What is it. Why is it important. Where to get the good stuff.
Simplifying Things: Protein. What is it? Why do you need it? How much do you need? How do you get it?
The easiest chicken you’ll ever make for dinner. Yeah, it tastes great too.
Grab. Go. Live you life. Stop thinking about recipes. Overnight Oats, for YOU!
Homemade Nut Milk: Why to make your own + how to make your own.
Shrimply The Best - 25min bomb healthy, super duper healthy, shrimp fried rice
These 4 oils are the only oils you should eat. Ever. When you’re looking at the ingredients labels for whether or not a certain product is going to contribute to your health, or be detrimental to your health, there is a very, very, long list of oils that you should absolutely never ever consume. We’re only talking about the good ones. Here they are:
Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Avocado Oil, Free-Range, Grass-Fed Butter or Ghee
Stop over complicating your morning routine. Nobody has time for an AM routine that takes 4 hours to complete.
Tips + Tricks for combatting jet lags from the man who has 20+ years of international travel under his belt.
This is where we’ll share tips + tricks for wellness, as well as travel hacks and info about our favorite places, our favorite travel brands, and how to cross off your bucket-list-travel-destinations without it costing an arm + a leg. This is also where we’ll share what works for our relationship, how we face challenges together, and how we keep our love fresh + hot.